Thursday, April 1, 2010

Southern Ecuador 2010

Finally – the journal for our 2010 Southern Ecuador bird tour is up. It’s located at:
It was constructed as a blog, which presented one problem. The order of each entry makes the last day appear first. In order to read it chronologically, use the journal archive to begin at the beginning.
Still waiting for others in the group to submit photos. When they arrive I’ll add them to the Southern Ecuador Photos section.
Jocotoco Antpitta (top) Lanceolated Monklet (below)

1 comment:

  1. Have started reading your journal. Your stories continue to "wet" my appetite for a tropical birding venture. Definitely in the next year or so, I'm hoping Peter and I will be able to make a trip to Costa Rica. May want to pick your brain a bit then. Again. Very nice to meet you during our last visit to TX. Small world. Nice to connect with birders from the WI Birdnet. Safe travels and enjoy your summer adventures. Cynthia Bridge
